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7 Core Skills
Taking your place at the front lines of remarkable innovation involves learning the Seven Core Skills of a 'Possibilitator' (Possibility Manager):
- Shift Identity to Possibility Manager and Become Present in a small Now
- Become Centered, Grounded, Bubbled and Unhookable in the Radical Responsibility of Archiarchy including being able to Go Stellar in 4 Feelings
- Create, Hold, and Navigate Space (Set Context, Make Distinctions, and Open Doorways)
- Make Contact (Experientially Distinguish Box and Being, keeping your Gremlin on a leash sitting at your side)
- Go Nonlinear and Go Unreasonable
- Create Linear and Nonlinear Possibility
- Legend Making
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...in real life
- Shifting identity to Possibility Manager – even though this is the first and most essential skill people do not even know what you are talking about when you say, “Shift identity.” People shift identity many times a day but the shifting is done unconsciously. They think, “How can I shift identity? I am who I am!” The idea that one identity has more possibilities for speaking, seeing, thinking and interacting than another identity can be explained through the concept of acting or role-playing. The idea that acting or role-playing is all we ever do is not understandable until a person understands that they have a Box but they are not their Box. Shifting to another identity is quite fun in practice, but in reality the Box has such a grip on a person’s possibilities that the most difficult thing is to simply remember to shift identity to Possibility Manager. To help remember we use the Possibility Stone as a reminding factor of who we are.
- Staying Unhookable – to explore what it means to Stay Unhookable it helps to start with exercises exploring the spatial gap between the inner world and the outer world (e.g. try to make your partner laugh). People are willing to recognize that they have emotional buttons, that they react, make assumptions, play out Low Dramas, etc. But it is more difficult to consider living on the Map Of Possibility line where everything that happens is neutral and has no meaning. This seems inhuman until you take people through the Victim / Responsible Story exercise where they recognize that when something happens they make up either a Victim Story or a Responsible Story. The Responsible Story gives them more power, but no matter what story they make up, no story is true. Becoming responsible as a story maker involves learning about Is Glue, Is Glue Dissolver, and the radical power of Declaring (e.g. “I love this. I hate this. This is great. This is idiotic. This is so easy. This is impossible.” etc). Staying Unhookable is also improved when you experiment with the attention and people start becoming more aware of what is happening with their attention in any given moment. If they can own their attention, split their attention, place their attention, and keep their attention from being taken, then they have a better chance of Staying Unhookable.
- Being Centered – with the popularity of Asian martial arts people have become more and more aware of the idea that we have a Center Of Being. The new idea that people commonly give away their Center to authority figures as a standard survival strategy comes as an eye-opening shock but is readily acknowledged as true. Learning to keep one’s Center first requires the ability to place one’s attention on the Center to find out where the Center is in the first place. Most likely it is found in the head. Physical exercises and sword work help with learning to place the Center Of Being on the Physical Center so as to Be Centered. Once a person can Be Centered they can Minimize Now small enough to move sideways through the gaps between moments. This helps in Navigating Space.
- Holding Space – such a common and practical skill as Holding Space is so foreign to Westerners because we have been trained to avoid taking responsibility for everything, including Space. For us, being responsible is the equivalent of being guilty, being at blame, being at fault, and having to carry an additional burden. This is a victim’s definition of responsibility. In Possibility Management being responsible means to be interested and willing to source the results. In taking responsibility for what kind of responsibility is being taken we automatically begin Holding Space. We have not been trained to distinguish the varieties of spaces one from the other, or to perceive the subtle multi-faceted qualities and purposes of spaces, and these we must learn before we can begin to Navigate Space. Again, basic attention skills are required. Once a person can Hold Space they can begin learning to be a space for Bright Principles and for Masculine and Feminine Archetypes that feed the Metapurpose of their Gameworlds.
- Making Contact – without knowledge of the Four Bodies, the idea of Making Contact is way outside of people’s ordinary intention. Yet Making Contact is the beginning of any form of responsible communication. To Make Contact with, to follow and support, to Hold Space for relationship with, to be with, these are all skills needed by managers and leaders, parents and teachers, etc. Making Contact begins by Being Centered and saying, “Hello.”
- Accessing Archetypal Feelings (Going Stellar) – clarity about not mixing feelings and practical skills for using the energy and information inherent in the four feelings is completely outside of Western culture. Because we often begin with feelings work in PM and because the learning from feelings work is so new and impactful (loud) people sometimes get the idea that Possibility Management is about feelings work. It is not. We do feelings work in some trainings because feelings are a needed source of power and wisdom and without those resources our creating in the domain of High Drama is weak and clumsy. There is so much more to High Drama than we normally explore, but we cannot even begin a conversation about High Drama until a person has Stellated their Leader, Doer, Creator and Communicator Archetypes through the four feelings and can Navigate Space with the clarity of the Hidden Purpose and True Purpose.
- Creating Possibility – as the central skill of a Possibility Manager, it is most helpful if Creating Possibility is practiced whenever people come together in the name of Possibility Management. Creating Possibility is a complex set of skills including but not limited to the following:
- Possibility Listening and Speaking
- Knowing your Hidden Purpose and True Purpose
- Creating, Holding and Navigating the Space Of Possibility
- Creating a break in certainty and Navigating to the Liquid State
- Going nonlinear, Repackaging, Painting Doorways, Right-angle Turns at Lightspeed
- Building Matrix to support the new possibilities of an Expanded Box
- Self-Marketing – brings all the other skills together for the practical reason of providing the Possibility Trainer with an ongoing income stream. Self Marketing includes four steps:
- Legend Making
- Creating Present Value – Possibility Listening, Creating Clarity, Possibility Making, etc.
- Creating Future Value – Painting The Beach
- Getting A Signed Contract
Self Marketing skills are needed not only by sales people but also by anybody wanting to create changes, present new ideas, lead, manage, work with teams, develop strategic alliances, include diversity, solve conflicts, etc.
Skill 0
They didn't tell you there was a Skill Zero?
Experiments 0
7CORESKI.01 Remind Yourself That You Are A Possibilitator
Figure out 5 different ways to remind yourself to shift identity into being a Possibilitator. For example:
- Wear 2 different kinds of shoes. If anyone asks you about it, tell them you are experimenting with various kinds of reminding factors to help you with your Self Observation.
- Set an alarm bell to ring each hour or randomly in the day and each time it rings tell the next person you see that you are a Possibilitator.
- Tap each door frame you go through alternating with the fingers of first your right hand and then your left hand, and with each tap say the word 'Possibilitator.'
- Do 5 'good things' each day, such as picking up a tiny piece of litter, cleaning a window, making tea or a glass of water to someone, giving money to a beggar, say no to your Gremlin, etc. Each time tell someone, "Possibilitators do things like this..."
Experiment 7CORESKI.00
Skill 1
Experiments 1
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Skill 2
Experiments 2
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Skill 3
Experiments 3
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Skill 4
Experiments 4
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Skill 5
Experiments 5
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Skill 6
Experiments 6
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Skill 7
Experiments 7
Experiment 7CORESKI.00
Experiment 7CORESKI.00
NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code 7CORESKI.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!